Michaelsun Knapp's Recommendation for Current Native American Writers and Poets



·       Northwest

o   Elizabeth Woody

§  Seven Hands Seven Hearts

o   Cedar Sigo

§  Language Arts

·       Southwest

o   Jake Skeets

§  Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers

o   Sherwin Bitsui

§  Dissolve

o   Tacey M. Atsitty

§  Rain Scald

·       California

o   Casandra Lopez

§  Brother Bullet

o   Natalie Diaz

§  When My Brother Was An Aztec

§  Postcolonial Love Poem

·       Midwest

o   Layli Long Soldier

§  Whereas

o   Heid Erdrich

§  Curator for Ephemera at the New Museum for Archaic Media

o   Michael Wassoon

§  American Ghost

·       North East

o   James Thomas Stevens

§  Tokenish

o   Tommy Pico (from CA)

§  Nature Poem

§  Feed

o   Laura Da’

§  Tributaries

·       The South

o   Santee frazier

§  Aurum

o   Jennifer elise forester

§  Leaving Tulsa

§  Bright Raft in the Afterweather

o   Lara Mann

§  Effigies II

·       Islands

o   Craig Santos Perez

§  From Unincorporated Territories: [guma’]

o   Brandy Nalani McDougall

§  The Salt-Wing / Ka Makani Pa’akai

·       Alaska

o   Abigail Chabitnoy

§  How to Dress a Fish

o   Joan Naviyuk Kane

§  Hyperboreal

§  Milk Black Carbon

§  Soon: Dark Traffic

·       Canada

o   Joushua Whitehead

§  Fullmetal Indigiqueer

o   Billy-Ray Belcourt

§  This Wound is a World

o   Liz Howard

§  Infinite Citizen of the Shaking Tent

·       Anthologies

o   When the Light of the World was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through

§  Norton Anthology

o   Native Voices by Tupalo Press

§  Poetry Anthology with Essays and Interviews by the poets about various elements of craft

o   Red Indian Road West

§  An anthology of California Native Poets

o   Puna Wai Korero

§  Maori Poetry

o   Introduction to Australian Aboriginal Poetry

§  Aboriginal Poetry



·       Marrow Thieves

·       There, There

·       Winter Counts

·       Crooked Hallelujah

·       The Only Good Indians

·       Elatsoe

·       Son of a Trickster

o   Bit of cussing

o   Now a TV show in Canada

·       Killers of the Flower Moon

·       Where the Dead Sit Talking

·       The Night Watchmen

·       Sacred Smokes –short story collection



·       Moonshot Vol 1 &2

·       Strange Lands

·       Sovereign Traces Vol. 1 & 2





·       Native American DNA

·       Carry

·       My Body Is A Book of Rules

o   White Magic

·       Whip Smart

o   Abandon Me

·       Black Indian

·       Bury My Heart at Chuck E. Cheese’s

·       An Indigenous Peoples’ History of The United States

·       Native Studies Key Words

·       Heartberries

·       Why Indigenous Literature Matters

·       Native American Fiction: A User’s Manual

·       Shapes of Native Non Fiction

·       Braiding Sweet Grass



·       All My Relations

o   And the Blog: Native Appropriations

·       Coffee with my Ma
